Auz hotcopper. Created with Sketch. Auz hotcopper

 Created with SketchAuz hotcopper  Charts

7. . Given. Maybe its looking to turn around here after the gap fill ? it seems to be. ? (ps:. HotCopper's trolls on borrowed time. As a want to be auz investor I'd be asking what exactly do auz even have that could turn into revenue. Latest Posts. As a want to be auz investor I'd be asking what exactly do auz even have that could turn into revenue. The current Market Capitalisation of AUZ is $10,804,015. I just want to provide the information to the new shareholders that have jumped on. ASX - Day TradingJoin the HotCopper ASX share market forum today for free. , page-4. 11 Upvote. New to HotCrapper but have a small investment in Australian Mines ASX:AUZ. . ?or going to be Quiet?l have previously made many assumptions. Maybe its looking to turn around here after the gap fill ? it seems to be. Market Cap $11. ASX - Day TradingQuarterly Activities/Appendix 5B Cash Flow Report, page-3. Forums. Nov 1 (Reuters) - Battery materials developer Australian Mines Ltd (AUZ) said on Friday a cobalt and nickel supply agreement with South Korean battery. 9005. I've been following auz for a few years now and I still don't see anything but the ability to BS and clearly by the auz price action accompanied via auz past 4 years of announcements that statement would be hard to argue. . COB PFS *Ci Costs; $12. Hi Astrotrade When most recently, there is an announcement with the heading of Application for quotation of securities - AUZ The board have been to the market to raise capital under the 15% approved allocation that SHAREHOLDERS approved in the AGM These are the recent capital raisings that go unnoticed by most shareholders here at. You only need to look at what happened to the share prices of our closest neighbors COB and BPL, and you will quickly come to the conclusion of what the. No one will finance a project with 15% IRR and most importantly a project that. Expect a run towards Three cents Wednesday after a screamer of a quarterly just released. Can someone explain why they think this stock is undervalued? After looking through AUZ and Metallica reports on Sconi I've struggled to find: - a clear. I don't camp on these forums like the rusted on. Created with Sketch. Created with Sketch. Join the HotCopper ASX share market forum today for free. . ASX - General. Click for more information. . Last updated 12. I've been following auz for a few years now and I still don't see anything but the ability to BS and clearly by the auz price action accompanied via auz past 4 years of announcements that statement would be hard to argue. . Could we get a technical update please. Not knowing much about the company what would be the top five value drivers for the SP?, page-5. . Hi Talks, AUZ might increase further that just 11c. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. . I've been following auz for a few years now and I still don't see anything but the ability to BS and clearly by the auz price action accompanied via auz past 4 years of announcements that statement would be hard to argue. Latest PostsAnyone knows why so much volume in this stock?Good cobalt projects but nothing solid, who trades it?I am topping up right now, good luck to everyone. I am a strong holder of AUZ since 1. In my humble opinion, and this is not financial advice, I have had a long held belief that AUZ would get finance for Sconiwhen Cobalt exceeded $60000 a. With 2021 well underway it's time for management to provide shareholders with a comprehensive report on their strategy for moving the company forward. 636M ! Created with Sketch. Be on the latest news, as it happens from Australia and around the world. ASIC proceedings, page-3. Charts. Created with Sketch. What gonna happened at 10 am?Any trading halt?Any Ann. :D, page-8. Wonder what that means? 3. 94M ! Created with Sketch. 0. . $2-3 billion market cap is not out of question if LG come on board and get Sconi into production. 002. . . As a want to be auz investor I'd be asking what exactly do auz even have that could turn into revenue. @h00ts - it seems to have been so long that we've seen an AUZ chart post that I can't even find one. Nickle on the come back me thinks. . Created with Sketch. The current Market Capitalisation of AUZ is $10,804,015. Created with Sketch. dyor. 0. Hi Astrotrade When most recently, there is an announcement with the heading of Application for quotation of securities - AUZ The board have been to the market to raise capital under the 15% approved allocation that SHAREHOLDERS approved in the AGM These are the recent capital raisings that go unnoticed by most shareholders here. sorry I couldn't seem to find a current chart thread so I started a new one. . Where is the announcement ?. I have been following AUZ for the past few months now, and have recently bought a small parcel at . Its segments include Network, Coal. 4¢ Sentiment: Sell Disclosure: Not Held. Hi Astrotrade When most recently, there is an announcement with the heading of Application for quotation of securities - AUZ The board have been to the market to raise capital under the 15% approved allocation that SHAREHOLDERS approved in the AGM These are the recent capital raisings that go unnoticed by most shareholders here at. ASX - Short Term Trading. Created with Sketch. Response to ASX Query Letter. Market . . Hi Wondering what AUZ staff do at all, if any, given that they are on FULL TIME pay, including BOD. Join the HotCopper ASX share market forum today for free. Hi wonderful people,Just wondering if anyone could complete the below table for AUZ: AUZCLQARLPost Tax IRR%15%19%25%Pre Tax NPV$1. Could we get a technical update please. . 7/lb Co *CAPEX; $550ml inc $65 contingencies *Plant throughput; 5. I've been following auz for a few years now and I still don't see anything but the ability to BS and clearly by the auz price action accompanied via auz past 4 years of announcements that statement would be hard to argue. Expand. . i. Created with Sketch. Market . HotCopper is Australia's largest free and independent stock market trading forum for ASX share prices & stock market discussions. I have stuck around because Two huge Korean/ global companies with billions of dollars of turnover Sk and LG both signed long term offtake agreements with Auz for Sconi. 1. Hi Astrotrade When most recently, there is an announcement with the heading of Application for quotation of securities - AUZ The board have been to the market to raise capital under the 15% approved allocation that SHAREHOLDERS approved in the AGM These are the recent capital raisings that go unnoticed by most shareholders here at. View announcements, advanced pricing charts, trading status, fundamentals, dividend information, peer analysis and key company information. I've been following auz for a few years now and I still don't see anything but the ability to BS and clearly by the auz price action accompanied via auz past 4 years of announcements that statement would be hard to argue. 56M ! Created with Sketch. Just dreaming. They will need significant investment in industry and jobs. 0. 31/3/2023 date not mentioned. 8,297 likes. Notice of General Meeting - Distribution of Norwest SharesAUZ currently has 782,619,918 shares and options on the registry If the share price goes to $1. I´m missing from AUZ the overview regarding the tenement “MLA 10368”. Charts. au W australianmines. Created with Sketch. 9¢. Hi all,During some research today I came across the following on NAIF's website - Not sure if this was brought up at all. Auz cobalt at $30 and pm1 at $25 both a while off. AUZ is on the comeback trail, and now would be a good time. 4. . View today’s AUZ share price, options, bonds, hybrids and warrants. AUZ. ? (ps:. . ASX - Day TradingCost are skyrocketing 3 billion dollars needed to build on the goat farm now, labour costs, CFMEU to pay off, Qld Government funding the Olympics, no dollars for mines, 4. Forums. Latest Posts. , page-35. Metals & Mining,. Try and make some money on this list you provided. , page-4. AUZ cannot move the project (Sconi) with the metrics from the latest BSF. I’d. NSX - By Stock. Nickel target zones identified at Lennard Project, page-2. More. As a want to be auz investor I'd be asking what exactly do auz even have that could turn into revenue. Hi Astrotrade When most recently, there is an announcement with the heading of Application for quotation of securities - AUZ The board have been to the market to raise capital under the 15% approved allocation that SHAREHOLDERS approved in the AGM These are the recent capital raisings that go unnoticed by most shareholders here at. Let’s be honest hitting up hotcopper folk through Pattos for $5m at this stage of the game is cringeworthy. 3 billion Post #:37944937 The shareprice at the time was 2. Why should our CEO spend. Join the HotCopper ASX share market forum today for free. ASX - Day TradingAuz could be the next FMG. With all the negativity and crap being posted on HC, I took the initiative to email Ben yesterday with the following questions, and he replied back with. I've been following auz for a few years now and I still don't see anything but the ability to BS and clearly by the auz price action accompanied via auz past 4 years of announcements that statement would be hard to argue. AUZ. ASX - By Stock. Forums. ASX - By Stock. Latest Posts. Well done holders :), page-4. No position in AUZ, but it seems to me something is wrong. . Latest Posts. Mr Holmes worked for Oceana Gold past 9 years. Join the HotCopper ASX Stock discussion forum for AUSTRALIAN MINES LIMITED. Wow what a great announcement by AUZ for them to have signed an agreement with a company such as SK speaks for it self and of what AUZ will become. Latest Posts. ASX - General. $14 billion. HotCopper is Australia's largest free and independent stock market trading forum for ASX investors to discuss share prices, the stock market and more. Last updated 15. AUZ. Application for quotation of securities - AUZ. AUZ currently has 782,619,918 shares and options on the registry If the share price goes to $1. ASX - Day Trading. Just dreaming. May 6 (Reuters) - Australian Mines Ltd (AUZ) : EXPLORATION UPDATE - LACHLAN PROJECT FOLLOWING PLANNED DEMERGER OF SOME NON-CORE ASSETS, SCONI PROJECT &. 0. AUSTRALIAN MINES LIMITED (ASX:AUZ) - AUZ - chart, page-77 - HotCopper | ASX Share Prices, Stock Market & Share Trading Forum Latest Posts. . $0. AUZ Price at posting: 2. 3. Commodities. No position in AUZ, but it seems to me something is wrong. Ausenco | 145,949 followers on LinkedIn. AUZ currently has 782,619,918 shares and options on the registry If the share price goes to $1. I've been following auz for a few years now and I still don't see anything but the ability to BS and clearly by the auz price action accompanied via auz past 4 years of announcements that statement would be hard to argue. When will AUZ price there scandium and precursors into their BFS. , page-8. Cash Burn. . And sit back and watch your portfolio rain with $$ signs. . ASX - By Stock. ASX - Day Trading. . HotCopper is Australia's largest free and independent stock market trading forum for ASX share prices & stock market discussions. I'm wondering if a rights issue or SPP is attached. {"type":"ASX","id":"2A1249161_AUZ","documentType":"pdf&quot. 0. Forums. ASX - Day TradingDistribution of Norwest Minerals Limited sharesGuys, I had a look at the breakdown of the NCA batteries for Telsa and I got a rough figure of 340kg per battery Based on 80% Ni, 15% Co, 5% Al and a. The share consolidation will be in the order of 10:1 or 15:1. In all after announcements I´m still missing the update to this tenement and. ASX - General. . . 0¢ Sentiment: None Disclosure: Not HeldAUZ raises $5. . AUZ is very much like that, wait till the moment everyone realizes it. The last announcement tells all holders of the scope and future of this company. 0. There is a lot of ramping going on long term holders also trading as well trying to breakeven it sucks drinking carrot juice at 12c and seeing all your gains lost. . . . . 8$ is reasonable after BFS issued and prove profitableSounds like Auz are still in talks with LG and talks of a collaboration is great news. We now have weathered the proverbial storm that was inevitable and IMHO a slow trend in an upward direction is imminent. , page-7. Market As a want to be auz investor I'd be asking what exactly do auz even have that could turn into revenue. Cold Comfort Ice Cream Company, Victoria, British Columbia. . I've just had a look at AUZ's revised Sconi BFS scandium assumption and the big change is that they are now projecting to produce 1441 tons of Sc203 over. Application for quotation of securities - AUZ. Good to see some more movement here and bodes well for an agreement for SRL - although id argue a different. ASX - Day TradingSconi Owners Team Appointment, page-2. Get the edge as an investor: Subscribe to our daily newsletter for EXCLUSIVE insights into HotCopper! 12 Sep 2023 Stay informed on the day’s latest market trends and receive exclusive access to HotCopper’s trending analysis with inside stories from TMH to help you make sense of what’s happened and navigate what’s ahead. . , page-16. 0¢. you come across as very privileged and a now it all. ASX - Day Trading As a want to be auz investor I'd be asking what exactly do auz even have that could turn into revenue. . @hoots Love your work Would love to see some technical analysis on this bad boy on its charts if you have time, page-2. Latest Posts. $0. 1133752. clock. AUZ is my past time entertainment stock. I don't like AUZ for all the negative reasons put forward here in HotCopper. Share That’s an extra 50mill+ back in the system at . 25mt *NPV;. Add to my watchlist. Forex. Application for quotation of securities - AUZ, page-2. 17% 1. 11%. I was actually going to call AUZ. Looking back over the last 4 years at AUZ history and cutting threw all the BS so only focusing on AUZ announcements and matching up those announcements with hindsight it's clear why auz chart slash market cap is as it is. 2%. . AUZ withdraws from Lodestar joint venture. 63. 30000. The extra. 00 millionCreated with Sketch. Forums. , page-6. Created with Sketch. ASX - Day Trading. 4BNi -. ASX - By Stock. com)(Bloomberg) -- LG Chem Ltd. . . This is great news the tier one resource which has enough battery materials for 6 million electric vehicles because the customers need more materials . ? (ps:. I've been following auz for a few years now and I still don't see anything but the ability to BS and clearly by the auz price action accompanied via auz past 4 years of announcements that statement would be hard to argue. notthemama Application for quotation of securities - AUZ Sold my PGM and pumped more into CLQ at $ 1. I follow other specs too which have had similar. AUZ currently has 782,619,918 shares and options on the registry If the share price goes to $1. , page-3. . Scandium will be massive in the aerospace sector, and commercial development of planes to reduce weight. For Auz shareholders to take you seriously what is your back ground. Created with Sketch. I've been following auz for a few years now and I still don't see anything but the ability to BS and clearly by the auz price action accompanied via auz past 4 years of announcements that statement would be hard to argue. you come across as very privileged and a now it all. Click for more information. ASX - Short Term Trading. 19 Upvote. Locate the search field on the website which is under the HotCopper logo. ASX - Day TradingStarting a new thread for Nickel. , page-3. last one from me. I like AUZ because:- One of largest nickel deposits in Australia, which is also a safe jurisdiction- Already completed Bankable Feasibility Study and in. ASX - By Stock. As a want to be auz investor I'd be asking what exactly do auz even have that could turn into revenue. Worth considering for those strong believers in. As a want to be auz investor I'd be asking what exactly do auz even have that could turn into revenue. Surely then they would be close to been viable even at lower cobalt prices. Could we get a technical update please. . 0. Created with Sketch. Mio shares from AUZ. . . , page-2. The web page shows the latest news, discussions, and timeline of the company's ASX share price and activities. That went up to 4. , page-31. Response to ASX Price & Volume Query, page-3. $0. ASX - By Stock. Sorry for another new thread. . Auz has been good to me lately. Created with Sketch. A 50 bagger. , page-30. ASX - By Stock. ASX | AUZ Level 34, 1 Eagle Street, Brisbane, Queensland 4000 T + 61 7 3184 9184 E info@australianmines. . Previously disgruntled holders don't need to be here. . com. . what about all the investors that bought in below you and are still green. , page-64. You can see the market cap, volume, price, and change of AUZ on HotCopper Forum. . As mentioned within the last quarterly, a capital raising must be very, very close. But all proved to be wrong. HotCopper is the number 1 platform for discussion and analysis of the Australian stock market, ASX-l. 137439. I think the 2 slides below. sorry I couldn't seem to find a current chart thread so I started a new one. As a want to be auz investor I'd be asking what exactly do auz even have that could turn into revenue. 1. . 67% 1. 3¢ AUSTRALIAN MINES LIMITED - Discussion. , page-3. ASX - General. Created with Sketch. ANZ offers a range of personal banking services such as internet banking, bank accounts, credit cards, home loans, personal loans, travel and international, investment and. ASX - Day TradingIt's important to understand where the company is within it's life-cycle, the below graph is widely used and resembles the 'general' eb and flow of mining. This is a Nickel explorer in QLD that has received letters of government…Search a Stock. HotCopper has news, discussion, prices and market data on AUSTRALIAN MINES LIMITED. 00 every option outstanding would be exercised so you have to count them in. Click for more information. Still dreaming Auz holders would take one positive announcement at the moment and a 1 bagger. Join the HotCopper ASX share market forum today for free. 1367636. As a want to be auz investor I'd be asking what exactly do auz even have that could turn into revenue. AUZ. . is this still the case?, page-7. About Cobalt Industry News Cobalt 27 believes the story of the electric vehicle (EV) is akin to that of the mobile phone. Share I know the answer to that Its not Mr Magoo,it's not the Messiah, its not Bullwinkle and it's certainly not V or the English Professor but hey when one believes they are right all of the time and spriuking the savior of all mankind might be closer to being the most annoying of all time IMHO. Created with Sketch. com. I've been following auz for a few years now and I still don't see anything but the ability to BS and clearly by the auz price action accompanied via auz past 4 years of announcements that statement would be hard to argue. Gold returned from copper-gold target at FlemingtonCreated with Sketch. . No position in AUZ, but it seems to me something is wrong. HotCopper has news, discussion, prices and market data on AUSTRALIAN MINES LIMITED. 4 cents, now its 2c. Any spec company has tit for tat comments. lme cobalt 64000 seems to be breaking out of ascending triangleStay informed on the day’s latest market trends and receive exclusive access to HotCopper’s trending analysis with inside stories from TMH to help you make sense of what’s happened and navigate what’s ahead. , page-6. . Could we get a technical update please. Hi Astrotrade When most recently, there is an announcement with the heading of Application for quotation of securities - AUZ The board have been to the market to raise capital under the 15% approved allocation that SHAREHOLDERS approved in the AGM These are the recent capital raisings that go unnoticed by most shareholders here at. less weight = more passenger and more money per flights. Aurizon Holdings Limited is a rail freight operator. com. As a want to be auz investor I'd be asking what exactly do auz even have that could turn into revenue. Electric cars are already cheaper to own and run, says studyPetrol and diesel vehicles cost more over four years in UK and four other European. No one will finance a project with 15% IRR and most importantly a project that. Maybe its looking to turn around here after the gap fill ? it seems to be. . . ASX - Day TradingChairman Address - 2020 Annual General Meeting, page-2. 018 and the. Created with Sketch. HotCopper has news, discussion, prices and market data on ANZ GROUP HOLDINGS LIMITED. , page-27. It has 4 fundamental pillars on. ASX - Day TradingAppointment of Investor Relations Manager2. , page-57. Hi Astrotrade When most recently, there is an announcement with the heading of Application for quotation of securities - AUZ The board have been to the market to raise capital under the 15% approved allocation that SHAREHOLDERS approved in the AGM These are the recent capital raisings that go unnoticed by most shareholders here at. is prioritizing efforts to secure raw materials used in. . Last time AUZ had an announcement the SP went to from 1. , page-4. As a want to be auz investor I'd be asking what exactly do auz even have that could turn into revenue. ASX - Short Term Trading. 39B$2. 31M. here you go naysayers Australian Mines upgrades Sconi cobalt-nickel resource to 75+ million tonnesShare 14 Feb 2019The revised resource is expected to. 69% 1. The current Market Capitalisation of AUZ is $10,804,015. HotCopper.